Hanoi (VNA) – The Belgian Directorate-General for DevelopmentCooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD) has recently launched the BusinessPartnership Facility to support and develop the private sector involvement inSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Vietnam and other developing countries,according to the Vietnamese Trade Office in Belgium.
The programme aims at creating andmaintaining jobs, improving average income for families with low incomes,accessing affordable goods and services for low-income earners, and developingprojects which have positive impact on the environment through savingresources, reducing emissions and by preserving biodiversity.
Each applicant must be part of apartnership that brings together actors from the private sector, civil society,academia and/or the public sector. The partnership must comprise at least oneorganisation from the for-profit private sector.
The projects should be planned for a periodof 5 years. Funding of up to 200,000 EUR (225,300 USD) is available for each projectselected.-VNA