Bac Kan promotes seedless persimmon

Bac Kan province has been focusing on growing seedless persimmon in an effort to make it a key commodity for the locality. This persimmon variety has brought great economic value to the province.

The Dong Loi co-op focuses on growing and promoting seedless persimmon. During the 2018 harvest, the co-op purchased and sold over 100 tonnes of the fruit. Aiming to bring the fruit to a larger consumer base, the co-op has created traceability stamps for its products.

Persimmon trees in Bac Kan are mainly found in the districts of Cho Don, Ba Be and Ngan Son. Ba Be has 200ha of seedless persimmons. Since 2015, the district has planted an additional 50ha each year, aiming to have 500ha by 2020.

Despite the high quality, Bac Kan's seedless persimmons are not yet available in major supermarkets or commercial centers. Developing a brand for Bac Kan's seedless persimmons is an urgent need that should be dealt with by relevant agencies soon./.