From now to 2025, Bac Giang will intensify the applicationof new technologies and manage, protect, develop and sustainably use forestareas and land planned for forestry development.
Bac Giang is exerting efforts to promote the potential, roleand effects of forests to make an increasingly important contribution tosocio-economic development; creating more jobs, raising people's incomes inassociation with protecting the ecological environment, conserving biodiversityof forest ecosystems, enhancing adaptation to climate change, minimisingnegative impacts caused by natural disasters, reducing greenhouse gasemissions, and absorbing and storing carbon from forests.
From now to 2025, Bac Giang will strive to achieve anaverage forestry production value growth rate of 5% per year. The province will alsoimplement a structure of three types of forests in accordance with its PrimeMinister-approved forestry planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to2050. Accordingly, by 2025, the planned area of three forest types will beabout 142,465 ha, of which 13,688 ha are special-use forests, protectionforests about 20,599 ha, and production forests about 108,178 ha. The rate offorest coverage in the province will reach 37.5%.
Each year, Bac Giang province is expected to plant about8,000 ha of concentrated forests and about 6 million scattered trees, in whichthe area of large timber trees will account for 30% of the annual plantedforest area. By 2025, the province's large timber forest area will reach 17,000ha, and that certified for sustainable forest management issued by the ForestStewardship Council (FSC) or the Vietnam Forest Certification Office will be12,500 ha. The average productivity will be about 22 cubic metres per ha peryear; and timber output 1.0 million cubic metres, in which 40% will beprocessed for export with the export value of wood and forest products reachingabout 3.5 trillion VND (141.2 million USD).
Vice Chairman Pich said that Bac Giang will promote the mechanisation and application of science and technology; improve productivity,quality and efficiency of production forests in the direction of optimising theproduction system, and the value chain of forest products.
Bac Giang will invest in intensive farming and applytechniques to improve the productivity and quality of forests, and plant newvarieties with high yield and quality.
In addition, the locality will encourage households,individuals and communities to form groups to develop and implement sustainableforest management plans, and issue sustainable forest management certificates;and at the same time strengthen linkages in production and sale of products,build brands and labels for medical plants.
Bac Giang will also focus on implementing breakthroughsolutions in forestry development such as using software to monitor forestfires, forest changes and forest land to monitor and detect deforestation, andimprove forest fire prevention and fighting; while using drones to patrolthe forests.
According to the Bac Giang Forest Ranger Department, in thefirst nine months of 2022, the province produced over 36.9 million seedlings ofall kinds for afforestation, planted nearly 8,500 hectares of concentratedforest and over 5.1 million scattered trees of all kinds. It exploited a total output of over 787,300 cubic metres, including over 362,000 cubic metresof large timber trees, accounting for 45.9%.
Currently, in Bac Giang province, there are 992 forestproduct processing and business establishments, including 11 exporters. Theexport value in the first nine months of 2022 is estimated at 1.7 trillionVND./.