According to Do Dinh Tan, from iDEA, the authentication system provides theability to retrieve information about product origin for consumers whenpurchasing products.
This will provide consumers with enough information about the origin ofproducts and allow businesses to clarify product information, which helps solvethe problem of counterfeit goods and creates great opportunities for theapplication of digital technologies.
In particular, it helps create trust in users through knowing the origin of thepurchased product.
"Building a software system for authenticating genuine goods on mobiledevices with static QRCode and dynamic QRCode software systems contributes toending the fear of counterfeit goods and imitation goods of businesses with thesupport of technology," said Tan.
"This software will fight all forms of counterfeiting, protect productscomprehensively, and immediately warn businesses and customers of counterfeitgoods by limiting scans of genuine stamps with clear management betweenfactories, producers and distributors."
In addition, through the retrieval system, businesses and consumers can easilyconnect with each other about warranty process information and businesspromotions programmes, according to Tan.
In particular, dynamic QRCode technology on the system “” isstrictly managed, ensuring security with both a genuine authentication functionand an anti-counterfeit function and limiting the number of times it can beaccessed.
Therefore, building a system to authenticate genuine goods through the QRCodeof the Ministry of Industry and Trade helps control risks arising when trackingand verifying the origin of goods. This is not only a step for businesses tocreate trust for customers, but also a "wall" to protect thereputation of products and businesses.
This will also help businesses conquer the international market, which requiresa very strict system of authenticating goods through QRCode of goods in bothproduction and trade.
For State management agencies, it is also a useful tool for the management andcontrol of the commodity market./.