Among therecommendations were to intensify collaboration with key stakeholders toenhance capacities in developing bankable proposals for physicalinfrastructure projects; to encourage awareness of inherent values amongthe peoples of ASEAN; to leverage and provide affordable access to ICTand its infrastructure, and to develop a pipeline of ready-to-commenceprojects to facilitate the mobilisation of resources, the ASEANSecretariat said.
The recommendations were theresult of a two-day ASEAN Connectivity Symposium on Nov. 8-9 where closeto 200 participants representing various stakeholder constituenciescame together to discuss key issues in the three dimensions of ASEANConnectivity - physical, institutional and people-to-people - and infinancing the implementation of the Master Plan.
Participants were also informed of the latest developments in the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity.
TheASEAN Connectivity Symposium is one of the flagship outreach activitiesof the ASEAN Connectivity Coordinating Committee (ACCC) this year underthe chairmanship of Indonesia.
Themed, "Enhancing ASEANConnectivity to Support ASEAN Community 2015", the event was organisedby the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, the ASEAN Secretariatand the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA).
Inher keynote address, Prof. Armida S. Alisjahbana, Minister of NationalDevelopment Planning of Indonesia and Head of the National DevelopmentPlanning Agency raised two main points: firstly to consider thedifferent characteristics of ASEAN countries and their varying levels ofdevelopment when implementing the Master Plan, and secondly on projectfinancing.
She pointed out the importance of embracing allstakeholders to ensure a sense of ownership and of enlisting theirparticipation so that they could benefit from the fruit of growth./.