Theconference saw the participation of over 100 labour inspectionrepresentatives from ASEAN, partner countries, the InternationalAssociation of Labour Inspection (IALI) and the International LabourOrganisation (ILO).
IALI President Michele Patterson attended theconference, which provided an opportunity for ASEAN countries and itspartners to share experiences in organisation and operation, and toagree on recommendations to boost the capacity and coordination ofregional labour inspection agencies as part of the strategy to build anASEAN community of strength and development.
The conference wasexpected to contribute to enhancing the capacity of labour inspectionagencies in inspecting the implementation of labour legal regulations,especially on working conditions, salaries, working time, labour hygieneand safety as well as protection of the three parties in labourrelations.
Within the conference, discussions addressed the roleof labour inspection in developing healthy labour relations anddevelopment of human resource and work skills in the ASEAN plan ofaction./.