The programme, based on a Japan ’s initiative, aims tohelp the officials learn regional cooperation experience according tothe overall plan to build ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and ASEANSocio-Cultural Community (ASCC).
Speaking at a meeting witheight CLMV officials participating in the programme, ASEAN SecretaryGeneral Le Luong Minh said that the learners will be able to take partin cooperative programmes and fields of AEC and ASCC.
They willdo practical exercises based on the current working demand of the ASEANSecretariat (ASEC) and collaborate with the ASEC officials to improvetheir knowledge on regional issues.
During the course, they willlearn how to establish a CLMV specialist network, attaching to eachothers through common experience and enthusiasm to reach ASEAN targets.
After the one-year programme, the officials are expected to havetheir capacity, ability and confidence improved in managing AEC- andASCC-related issues in their own countries.
The course will alsodeepen knowledge and understanding about the strategic partnershipbetween ASEAN and its partners, particularly Japan.
JapaneseAmbassador to ASEAN Kimihiro Ishikane said that the programme will helpCLMV narrow the development gap with ASEAN+6, contributing to the commonefforts to build the ASEAN Community by 2015.-VNA