Hanoi,(VNA) – The 26th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific ParliamentaryForum (APPF-26) engaged in an important discussion on regional cooperation anddevelopment issues during the third plenary session on January 20 morning.
"Climatechange, rising sea levels are no longer potential risks, but rather clear andpresent danger," Vietnam's Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam opened his keynote address.‘Right in Hanoi, just last summer, temperatures reached record highs in thepast four decades.’
"Ifthe sea level rises 1 metre, roughly 40 percent of the Mekong River Delta willbe underwater. Vietnamese current rice production here is at 12 million tonnesper year (export of six million tonnes), roughly 10 – 12 percent of ourpopulation will be directly impacted, with a loss of 10 percent of GDP," hewent on to say.
The Deputy PM called on every country in the region to develop a legal framework, systems ofregulations, policies and priority resources to respond to climate change. "Wemust make it so that all of society, everyone understands and start from whatseems like small and simple acts to tasks that require technology and major resourcessuch as gradual reduction in the use of fossil fuels, development of renewable,clean energy with the aim of developing low carbon economy and fostering greengrowth," he said.
Speakingof resources for sustainable development, Dam suggested the APPF parliaments toformulate legal systems that clearly specify the rights and responsibilities oforganisations, individuals; give priority to resources for implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs);mainstream SDG issues into public expenditure programmes; and strengthen privateinvestments, public private partnerships for SDGs.
TheDeputy PM later emphasised the importance of cooperation among parliaments asthe legislative bodies have the final say in many pressing issues acrossnations.
Healso lauded the role of the APPF which has proven its relevance in regionalissues, promoted reforms to better adapt to changing regional and globaldevelopments, continued to build on parliamentary diplomacy to supplement theeffective implementation of cooperation programmes with other regional mechanisms,including APEC.
Thethird plenary session addressed three key dimensions of regional cooperation,namely climate change response, resources for sustainable development, andculture-tourism cooperation.
Representingthe Vietnamese delegation, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luuproposed the lawmakers promote the APPF role in assisting the implementationof work items under the national programmes on responding to climate change;strengthening the development of policies, international law and monitor lawenforcement related to climate change; and reserving priority for theallocation of resources and funding that responds to climate change in economicdevelopment and major national investment projects.
Luualso urged the APPF to promote international cooperation in disasterpreparedness and increase dialogue, information and experience sharing inpromoting the implementation of the Paris Agreement in the Asia-Pacific.
SenatorLoren B. Legarda, Chairperson of the Philippines’ Senate Committee on ForeignRelations and Senate Committee on Climate Change, urged parliaments to ensure policiesissued along with proper budgets and inspections so that they would beeffective in alleviating climate change impacts in line with the Paris Agreement.
Shesuggests the region work to turn itself from an area vulnerable to climatechange into a self-reliant against natural disasters via scientific research, andcooperation in finance, technology transfer, experience sharing, and capacitybuilding.
Shesaid the Asia-Pacific should build a common legal framework on climate changeto strengthen regional commitments in the arena.
StephenPatrick John, Member of Australia’s Parliament, said the Australian Governmentsupports the APEC 2017 declaration on sustainable development and the promotionof public awareness on tourism role in boosting growth.
Notingthat most of the five biggest markets of Australia’s tourism sector are locatedin Asia-Pacific, he said the country backs the opening of directs air routes,and developing tourism infrastructure.
Hestressed the importance of having measures to protect future tourism sites andspecific mechanisms for tourism management.
Thefinal plenary session on the future of the APPF will take place in theafternoon.
Foundedin Tokyo, Japan in 1993, the 27-member APPFis a mechanism that enables parliamentarians to discuss issues of commonconcern, and to deepen their understanding of the region and the interests andexperience of its diverse members. The forum’s proceedings address political,security, economic, social and cultural issues, thus furthering regionalcooperation and building relations between and among parliamentarians from theAsia-Pacific region.-VNA