Exports reached 232,000 tonnes in the first half, up more than 16percent year-on-year, while value rose just 1 percent to 1.53 billion USD, as exportprices slumped by nearly 14 percent.
Demand in China fell nearly 30 percent in volume and while value wasdown 44 percent. The US and European markets, however, still performed well.
Vinacas Chairman Pham Van Cong said export inventories remain high whiletrade disputes are on the rise due to falling prices.
According to the association, it is difficult to accurately forecastdemand for cashew nuts between now and year’s end. Consumption at accommodationfacilities and restaurants has fallen strongly due to the introduction of socialdistancing measures.
The importation of raw cashew nut materials was also hit by COVID-19,with importers not only facing a delay in delivery but also receiving lower-qualityproducts compared to previous crops.
Vinacas has proposed companiesimport and export better quality cashew nuts to overcome the ongoing difficulties./.