A representative of An Giang province’s Traffic and Agricultural Constructionand Investment Project Management Board – the investor of the project buildingthe three reservoirs – said that the new reservoirs are located in Tri Ton and TinhBien districts with a total capacity of about 1.2 million cubic metres (cu.m).
Of the new reservoirs, Nui Dai 2 and Ta Lot will cover an area of 22 hectareswith a capacity of more than 500,000 cu.m each, while the 10ha Co To reservoirwill have a capacity of 200.000cu.m.
The project is estimated to cost about 457 billion VND (19.4 million USD).
It also includes building dams, flood spillways, sluice water intakes, andoperation management houses.
Its reservoirs are expected to be completed and put into operation in 2024.
Tinh Bien and Tri Ton are quite far from the administrative centre of An GiangProvince, and home to a large number of Khmer people.
This area, with a total population of about 270,000 people often suffers fromwater shortage in the dry season.
Between 2018 and 2020, the province built several irrigation reservoirs,including Ho Soai So, Soai Check, O Thum and O Ta Soc, and three new electricpumping stations for irrigation with a total cost of more than 360 billion VND (15.3million USD)./.