The group, comprising 18 doctorsand staff and 13 supporters, will examine an estimated 600 residents inthe mountainous A Luoi District and Hue City. Its local coordinator, theprovince's Union of Friendship Organisations, will provide 16interpreters to aid communication between the medical group and thelocal people.
The week-long visit from April 27 to May 5 is aspart of a mission by American non-governmental organisation Vets With aMission, which expects to spend 400 million VND (19,000 USD) on medicalexpenses.
Visits by Vets With a Mission's doctors have been anannual treat since 2012. The American organisation has offered freecheck-ups to 3,061 residents in the districts of Quang Dien, A Luoi,Huong Tra and Hue City.
It has spent 1.3 billion VND (60,000 USD) on its trips in the last three years.-VNA