Paris (VNA) – Ambassador Le Thi HongVan, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to UNESCO, presented her credentials toUNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay at the organisation’s headquarters inParis on November 3.
Receiving the diplomat, Azoulay expressed herdelight at the development of Vietnam-UNESCO relations while highly valuing thecountry’s practical contributions to the organisation’s important issues.
She said Vietnam has always been an active andresponsible member and one of the countries taking the lead in effectivelycarrying out UNESCO programmes and activities, especially those on education forsustainable development, humans and the biosphere, climate change response,maintenance and promotion of cultural values, and preservation of tangible andintangible cultural heritage.
The Director-General voiced her hope that thecountry will continue making effective contributions to the implementation ofthe UNESCO Strategic Transformation and global initiatives that thisorganisation is promoting like the Futures of Education, ethics of artificialintelligence, and Open Science.
She also hailed Vietnam’s active role as Chairof ASEAN in 2020 and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for2020-2021, which has helped enhance ASEAN-UN cooperation, including tiesbetween ASEAN and UNESCO.
Congratulating Van on her new position, Azoulayaffirmed that both Vietnam and the ambassador will continue to receive support,cooperation and assistance from UNESCO and herself.
She also revealed her intention to visit thecountry soon so as to discuss concrete measures to lift bilateral relations toa new height.
For her part, Van spoke highly of efforts by theDirector-General and the role of UNESCO, which is one of the most important specialisedorganisations of the UN and has effectively helped with common issues of theinternational community.
She echoed Azoulay’s view that Vietnam-UNESCO relationshave been growing in all aspects, from education, natural science, socialscience, humanity, to information and communications, particularly in theimplementation of the 2015-2020 cooperation agreement.
The ambassador appreciated UNESCO’s support forand cooperation with Vietnam, as well as its close coordination with theVietnam National Commission for UNESCO and the UNESCO Office in Hanoi.
The UN is always a priority in Vietnam’s foreignpolicy, Van said, stressing that the country treasures UNESCO’s assistance thathas helped promote sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development in thenation.
The two sides should further enhance cooperationand share ideas and experience to contribute to the realisation of the UN’sSustainable Development Goals by 2030, she suggested.
Vietnam, a member of UNESCO since July 1976,will continue proactive and active contributions to important activities andissues of this organisation, Van noted, adding that as ASEAN Chair in 2020 anda non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for 2020-2021, it will alsowork harder to help tighten ASEAN’s links with the UN, including UNESCO.
The ambassador pledged all-out efforts duringher term to strengthen Vietnam-UNESCO ties and welcomed Azoulay’s plan to visitthe country to discuss cooperation orientations and priorities for the timeahead./.