Deliveringthe opening speech, head of the Women Parliamentarians of AIPA SitiRozaimeriyanty Dato Haji Abdul Rahman stated women empowerment and equality insocio-economic and political fields are an important priority in the ASEAN agenda.
Shehighlighted significant efforts made by AIPA female parliamentarians to addressthe issue of gender equality.
Thedelegation of the host nation Brunei proposed a draft resolution on promotingwomen’s economic empowerment in the future of work and post pandemic recoverythrough digital and financial inclusion in a bid to ease gender inequality.
TheVietnamese delegation, headed by Nguyen Thuy Anh, Chairwoman of the NationalAssembly’s Committee for Social Affairs, affirmed digitisation will be aneffective solution for women who want to be empowered and trained.
Accordingto the delegation, COVID-19 has a huge impact on women, making many unemployed,particularly those working in industrial production sector and doing manual jobs.Also, difficulties in supporting the group, especially in finance, are one ofthe obstacles to post-pandemic women's development as well as job creation.
Wrappingthe meeting, participants agreed to pass Brunei’s draft resolution to submit to the 42nd General Assembly for approval at its second plenary session slatedfor August 25./.