Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam's export turnover of agro-forestry-aquaticproducts reached 33.14 billion USD during the January-November period, representinga rise of 13.8 percent over the same period last year, reported theMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
The export value exceeded the full year’s 32.1billion USD revenue of 2016, to set a new high and on the way to reach 35-36billion USD this year.
In November alone, the export revenue touchednearly 3 billion USD.
The export of agricultural products rose by16 percent in the 11-month period, aquatic products by 18.3 percent andforestry products by 10.4 percent.
In the period, Vietnam’s agro-fishery-forestrysector ran a trade surplus of 8 billion USD.
Many products posted strong increases inexport revenues.
Rice export touched 5.49 million tonnes, worth2.48 billion USD, increasing by 23.4 percent and 24.2 percent overthe same period last year, respectively.
Fruit and vegetable exports set a new high,reaching 3.16 billion USD in the 11-month period, up by 43.2 percent.
Other agricultural products, which saw asignificant increase in exports included rubber (up by 38.9 percent to2 billion USD revenue) and cashew (up by 23.2 percent to 3.2 billionUSD revenue).
Aquatic product exports also touched a newhigh in the January-November period, estimated at 7.57 billion USD in revenue,up by 18.3 percent over the same period last year.
The United States, Japan, China and theRepublic of Korea were the major importers of Vietnamese aquatic products.
The export of wood and wooden productsincreased 10.5 percent to reach 6.87 billion USD.
Only three products posted a drop in exportvalues, including coffee, pepper and cassava, due to a decrease inexport volume or in prices
Coffee exports in the period fell by22.5 percent in volume to 1.27 million tonnes, but slightlyrose by 3.8 percent in value to 2.89 billion USD.
Due to a drop of 34.6 percent in theaverage pepper export price, the export value of this product decreased by21.7 percent to 1.06 billion USD, despite a rise of 20.1 percent invalue to 203,000 tonnes.-VNA