"The TPP wasoriginally signed by 12 members so for the pact to come into effect with 11countries, we need a new international agreement," Japan's chiefnegotiator Kazuyoshi Umemoto said.
He added that theinvolved parties have just agreed not to lower the level of the high-standardtrade rules contained in the original treaty.
[TPP negotiations continued without US]
Following a meetingof the 11 countries' trade ministers in Hanoi in May, the negotiators have thetask of drawing up options to bring the pact into force at an early date and tofacilitate the possible return of the US.
Japan, the largesteconomy among the 11, hopes to reach an agreement to change the requirementsfor bringing the TPP into effect without revising the content of the pact.
The TPP was signedby Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand,Peru, Singapore, the US, and Vietnam, covering around 40 percent of the globaleconomy.-VNA